
A middle-aged man in a suit is standing at a bus stop, smiling. He has short dark hair and a dark three-day beard. He is wearing a blue shirt and a dark gray blazer and carries a brown work bag over his shoulders. 104A07391.JPG

The VMS-JobTicket is a discounted monthly season ticket that employers contract with a transport company for their employees.

The JobTicket can also be used as part of the Deutschlandticket. Further information can be found on the Germany job ticket page.


Advantages for employees

Advantages for employers

  • Use also during leisure time
  • Active contribution to environmental protection
  • Savings on travelling costs
  • No annoying search for a parking space
  • Payment for the JobTicket is made effortlessly via your monthly wage and salary payment
  • Active contribution to environmental protection and reduction of CO₂ emissions
  • Lower costs for creating and maintaining car parks
  • Eployer branding tool - employees save significantly on commuting costs and get to work stress-free
  • the JobTicket can also be used for business trips. This helps to reduce your expenses.


The company helps to finance the VMS JobTickets by providing its employees with a financial subsidy towards travel costs. In return, the transport companies in the VMS grant significant discounts on the price of the regular monthly season ticket:

Employer participation per VMS job ticketMinimum purchase quantityDiscount per ticket
none30 tickets1,00 €
5,00 € to 9,99 €none3,00 €
from 10,00 €none8,00 €


Area of validity

  • Valid in the VMS according to the selected fare zone(s)

Instructions for use

  • VMS-JobTickets are discounted monthly season tickets for employees
  • A contract is concluded between the company whose employees are to receive VMS JobTickets and CVAG
  • The travel allowance is tax-free
  • Issued as monthly vouchers in paper form